Ensure Right Products In The Right Markets At The Right Time
A Direct-To-Consumer (D2C) supply chain solution offers bespoke consumer experiences, brand loyalty, consumer data insights and unique product development. It also optimizes resources, reduces costs and minimizes over production.
Optimizing Cost and Lead Time
PCH operates its own postponement, fulfillment and logistics operation. We help brands consolidate the number of distribution locations required and provide considerable savings in inventory and handling cost, while reducing lead times and optimizing availability

Branded Out-Of-Box Experience
Integrate consumer expectations at product requirement stage drive unique special editions and customized products that deliver an engaging customer experience, as well as end-to-end supply chain data that allows smart inventory management
Deliver Single Order At Scale
To support ‘last mile’ logistics, the processes from manufacturing direct to consumer worldwide must be redesigned from traditional ex-factory distribution. PCH customize the D2C supply chain that enables products to be packed out on demand then shipped quickly and efficiently to destinations around the world

Invaluable Data Transparency
PCH’s D2C solution digitizes each part of the supply chain process. It provides visibility, transparency, predictability and traceability in real-time and with granular, accurate detail that delivers a winning multi-channel product launch strategy